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• Saturday MLB First Five Lock! 21-14 Last 35 Plays!


•  2023 MLB 81-43 (62%)

•  2024 MLB 61-39 (61%)



Saturday MLB First Five Lock

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2024 MLB Season 

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•  2023 MLB 81-43 (65%)

•  2022 MLB 79-44 (64%)


Previous Season Records

•  2023 College Basketball 29-28 (51%)

•  2022 College Football 28-21 (57%)

•  2022 NFL 28-21 (57%)

•  2022 NFL Preseason 5-1 (83%)

•  2023 NFL Preseason 9-4 (69%)

•  2022 MLB 79-44 (64%)

•  2023 MLB 81-43 (65%)

•  2023 College Football 38-12 (76%)

•  2023 NFL 26-16 (62%)

•  2023/24 College Basketball 79-19 (81%)



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